buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Touch Typing Master - Improve Your Typing Speed style.css header class hero nav div TouchType class logo div class nav-links a Practice href #practice a Stats href #stats a Guide href #guide main section id practice class typing-test h1 Improve Your Typing Speed p Type the text below: div class text-display id textDisplay div class input-area textarea id userInput placeholder Start typing here... div class stats-display span WPM: id wpm 0 span Accuracy: id accuracy 0% span Time: id timer 60s section id stats class statistics h2 Your Progress div class stats-grid div class stat-card h3 Best Speed p id bestWpm 0 WPM div class stat-card h3 Average Accuracy p id avgAccuracy 0% div class stat-card h3 Tests Completed p id testsCompleted 0 section id guide class typing-guide h2 Typing Tips div class guide-grid div class guide-card h3 Posture p Sit straight, keep your feet flat on the floor div class guide-card h3 Hand Position p Rest your fingers on the home row keys div class guide-card h3 Focus p Look at the screen, not your hands footer div class footer-content p Made with ❤️ for faster typing div class footer-links a Practice href #practice a Statistics href #stats a Guide href #guide script.js